Recursion can be one of the programming concepts that can be a bit of a challenge to understand. I believe this is because the recursive call to a function is not written in a procedural way so that one cannot see the actual sequence of operations that will be taken. Running a program containing a recursive function call with a debugger to be able to step through each line can be very useful.
I’ve spent a few weeks learning ML and was fascinated by the recursion implementation in functional languages and ML in particular. It can be mind bending for anyone who has learned programming through non-functional programming languages that do not encourage use of recursion be it Python or Java. However, I had quite a few “aha!” moments when writing recursive functions in ML and I definitely understand recursion much better now.
In this post, I wanted to share a few simple recursive functions that are written in Python. I believe practicing writing recursive functions is fun and is a great mind-expanding exercise.
Declarative iterations or recursions?¶
I believe the consensus about recursion is that it’s appropriate to use recursion in situations when a recursive solution would be better expressed in a recursive call. That is, there isn’t a problem that can’t be solved without using recursion or if there is one, it must be so rare you’ll probably never face it.
However, it’s very useful to know what recursion is to be able to understand the code that others have written and the caveats associated with using recursion in your programming language.
Let’s take a look at a few simple cases.
Examples of recursive functions¶
If you run any of the of the programs below (each featuring a recursive function call) in a debugger to be able to step through it, you’ll see that for each recursive function call, a new frame is added on stack.
Python imposes a limit on the number of the recursive calls ( see maximum recursion depth) which guards against a stack overflow. This means that for most of the real life data, it won’t be safe to use the examples below. This is why it can be useful to recognize a recursive call and evaluate whether it’s safe to use or not. The coding guidelines for some industries may even explicitly ask to avoid using recursion and replace it with a loop or an iterative algorithm.
You can also attempt to solve these tasks as an exercise before looking at my solutions. Each function has a doctest which you can use to check your understanding of the problem. The problems are sorted by difficulty in ascending order.
Sum values in an array of integers¶
Given an array of integers, find the sum of all its elements.
This can be solved by simply using the built-in sum()
which is what most
Python developers would use:
However, this task can also be solved using a simple for
loop and a result variable:
total = 0
for number in [1,2,3,4,5]:
total += number
# 15
And of course, a recursive solution can be written as well:
def sum_list(values):
"""Sum values in an array of integers.
>>> sum_list([])
>>> sum_list([1])
>>> sum_list([1,2,3,4])
if len(values) == 0:
return 0
elif len(values) == 1:
return values[0]
return values[0] + sum_list(values[1:])
The way I used to reason about this function call is that I decompose the result of each recursive call
which can be helpful to understand what is going on.
The way I see the line return values[0] + sum_list(values[1:])
for the initial array of [1,2,3,4]
1 + sum_list([2,3,4]) =>
1 + (2 + sum_list([3,4])) =>
1 + 2 + (3 + sum_list([4])) =>
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 => 10
Produce range of integers¶
Given a positive integer, produce a list of integers from the given integer down to 0.
def countdown(num):
"""Get a list of integers from the given
positive integer down to 0.
>>> countdown(5)
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
if num == 0:
return 0
elif num == 1:
return [1, 0]
return [num] + countdown(num-1)
Merge two arrays of items¶
Given two arrays of items, merge them into a single array keeping the order of items.
def merge(arr1, arr2):
"""Merge two arrays of items.
>>> merge([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> merge([1,2,3], [])
[1, 2, 3]
>>> merge([], [4,5,6])
[4, 5, 6]
if not arr1:
return arr2
return [arr1[0]] + merge(arr1[1:], arr2)
Sum integers in a list of pairs¶
Given an array of non-empty pairs (with each pair containing two integers), find the sum of all numbers in the array.
def sum_list_of_pairs(arr):
"""Sum integers in a list of pairs.
>>> sum_list_of_pairs([])
>>> sum_list_of_pairs([(1,2)])
>>> sum_list_of_pairs([(10,20), (30,40), (50,60)])
if not arr:
return 0
return arr[0][0] + arr[0][1] + sum_list_of_pairs(arr[1:])
Get first elements of sub-arrays in array¶
def firsts(arr):
"""Get first elements of all collections in a given array.
>>> firsts([])
>>> firsts([(1,2,3), (4,5,6)])
[1, 4]
>>> firsts([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)])
[1, 3, 5]
if not arr:
return []
return [arr[0][0]] + firsts(arr[1:])
Get digits of a number in a given base (up to base of 10)¶
def get_digits_in_base(num, base):
"""Get digits of a number in a given base (up to base of 10).
>>> get_digits_in_base(192837, 10)
['1', '9', '2', '8', '3', '7']
>>> get_digits_in_base(16, 2)
['1', '0', '0', '0', '0']
>>> get_digits(1000, 16)
['3', 'E', '8']
if num == 0:
return []
quotient, remainder = divmod(num, base)
return get_digits_in_base(quotient, base) + [str(remainder)]
Get digits of a number in a given base (up to base of 16)¶
def get_digits(num, base):
"""Get digits of a number in a given base (up to base of 16).
>>> get_digits_in_base(192837, 10)
['1', '9', '2', '8', '3', '7']
>>> get_digits_in_base(16, 2)
['1', '0', '0', '0', '0']
>>> get_digits_in_base(256, 16)
['1', '0', '0']
lookup = '0123456789ABCDEF'
if num < base:
return [lookup[num]]
quotient, remainder = divmod(num, base)
return get_digits(quotient, base) + [lookup[remainder]]
Tail recursion optimizations¶
A special, perhaps more difficult concept to understand, is tail recursion.
The recursive functions we have above have a pattern in the return
They return a value and the call to itself (such as return array[0] + func(array[1:])
However, if a function would only call itself recursively and wouldn’t need to keep any intermediate data,
it would be considered a tail recursive function.
That is, since there is no intermediate data to maintain (which is why the stack frames are needed),
we can essentially replace the current stack frame where the function is calling itself with the new stack frame
since we don’t need to get back to it – we would only be interested in the final recursive call that would
have the final value we need.
Factorial of a positive integer¶
This function is not tail-recursive because we need to maintain the value of n
that we
will multiply with the result of factorial(n-1)
def factorial(n):
"""Get factorial of n.
>>> factorial(0)
>>> factorial(5)
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
The reason we would want to make our function tail-recursive is because some programming languages provide what is called a tail call optimization. This is how a functional programming language such as Scala supports hundreds of thousands recursive function calls, see here.
Python does not have tail call optimization (here’s why), but let’s rewrite the factorial function in a tail-recursive fashion anyway to practice.
The idea around tail-call optimization is to use some kind of accumulator,
the acc
parameter in the example below, that tracks the intermediate data
and is passed across the subsequent calls thus eliminating
the need to keep the previous stack frames.
def factorial_tail(n, acc):
"""Get factorial of n in a tail-recursion fashion.
>>> factorial_tail(0, 1)
>>> factorial_tail(5, 1)
if n == 0:
return acc
return factorial_tail(n-1, acc*n)
Let’s write a few more examples of functions with tail call.
Sum values in an array (tail call)¶
def sum_values_tail(arr, acc):
"""Sum values in an array in a tail-recursion fashion.
>>> sum_values_tail([1,2,3], 0)
>>> sum_values_tail([], 0)
if len(arr) == 0:
return acc
return sum_values_tail(arr[1:], arr[0]+acc)
Reverse an array (tail call)¶
def reverse_list_tail(arr, final):
"""Reverse list in a tail-recursion fashion.
>>> reverse_list_tail([], [])
>>> reverse_list_tail([1], [])
>>> reverse_list_tail([1,2,3], [])
[3, 2, 1]
if len(arr) == 0:
return final
return reverse_list_tail(arr[1:], [arr[0]] + final)
Reduce (tail call)¶
def reduce_tail(func, acc, arr):
"""Reduce (fold) an array to a single value applying a function.
>>> reduce_tail(lambda x,y: x * y, 1, [1,2,3,4])
>>> reduce_tail(lambda x,y: x + y, 0, [1,2,3,4])
if len(arr) == 0:
return acc
return reduce_tail(func, func(acc, arr[0]), arr[1:])
Mutual recursion¶
Another more advanced concept is mutual recursion which is a type of recursion when two functions are defined with referral to each other.
In this example, given an array of integers, we want to check if it follows a certain
pattern, [1,2,1,2...1,2]
in this particular case.
Once the function responsible to confirm that the first item of the array is 1
is done,
it calls another function that confirms that the first item of the array is 2
and then it calls the first function that confirms that the first item of the array is 1
the cycle repeats.
def pattern_match_one_two(arr):
"""Check if a sequence is a pattern 1,2 repeated
using a mutual recursion.
>>> pattern_match_one_two([1,2,1,2,1,2])
>>> pattern_match_one_two([1,2,1,2,3,1,2])
>>> pattern_match_one_two([2,1,2,1,2])
if len(arr) == 0:
return True
if arr[0] == 1:
return needs_two(arr[1:])
return False
def needs_two(arr):
if len(arr) == 0:
return True
if arr[0] == 2:
return pattern_match_one_two(arr[1:])
return False
Hope this short introduction helped you understand recursion better and you find the code examples illustrative and useful.
Happy recursive coding!